Mayoral Candidates

Breaking news

Check out Member Emily Van Vleck's interview with Candidate Paperboy Love Prince! 

Does Your Mayoral Candidate care about Business and Professional Women in NYC?

This is an important year for business and professional women in NYC. We make up a large number of the many as yet undecided voters. It is up to us to understand Mayoral Candidate platforms to ensure they include key elements important to us. NFBPWC-NYC does not push for any specific candidate, and we do not promote one group over another. Our interest is to ensure that voters will be well served by the future administration.

The list of candidates continues in a state of flux - it is a good time to influence what is included in their platforms. It is important that NFBPWC-NYC be part of the discussion especially given the many real and perceived setbacks for Business and Professional Women resulting from the realities of COVID. Please join our discussion site, put in your concerns and questions, and help us frame what we ask the candidates.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to remove any posts that we deem offensive or inappropriate. If a second post needs to be removed, the posting individual will be suspended from the site for four weeks.  A third post leads to a ban from accessing the site.

Another Male Mayor for New York City

New York City’s primary election results were announced last week, and although this election cycle looked a little different with the implementation of rank-choice voting, there was something very familiar. The mayoral results. Whoever wins the general election in November will be the Big Apple’s 110th male mayor in a row. That’s right, folks: New York City has been run by males for over 350 years. I don’t know why this fact shocked me as much as it did; it’s not like men haven’t run the…

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1 Reply · Reply by Voyka Soto Jul 19, 2021
Views: 17

Eric Adams (D)

Eric Adams (60) – Brooklyn Borough President, former Police Officer, seeks to reform the NYPD Please read Eric Adams 110+ Step Plan which includes goals such as: USE OUR LEVERAGE AS A CLIENT TO CREATE A FAIRER ECONOMYTo keep good jobs in New York and advance our goals for a fairer economy, we will reward businesses that hire local workers and benefit minority and female owners and workers—especially on City-financed projects. Specifically, businesses will be asked to commit to hiring…

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2 Replies · Reply by Emily VanVleck Jun 10, 2021
Views: 33

Art Chang (D)

Art Chang – Child of Korean immigrants and a self-described “Reform Activist” and “technology innovative”  From Candidate Chang's platform - on small business. The only option is a fair, equitable, just, and clean recovery. First, we must keep businesses in their stores and offices. Then, we must revitalize small businesses as the key to a more equitable recovery. Small businesses, especially those with fewer than 100 employees, have been the bedrock of employment in New York City. Over the…

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2 Replies · Reply by Emily VanVleck Jun 10, 2021
Views: 14

Shaun Donovan (D)

Shaun Donovan (54) – President Obama’s Housing Secretary and Budget Director. City Housing Commissioner under Bloomberg. Key elements pulled from his plan include: JobsRebuilding our city also means creating an economy where everyone has a chance to succeed, where the many that have fallen on hard times can chart paths toward security and comfort. Our Jobs Platform sets the ambitious goal of creating 500,000 jobs for New Yorkers by the end of Shaun’s first term, all within an equitable economy…

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1 Reply · Reply by Emily VanVleck May 14, 2021
Views: 7

Aaron Foldenauer (D)

Aaron Foldenauer – a lawyer, passionate about providing legal services to the underserved and building a more sustainable city. Within Mr. Foldenauer's issues page, we found: Reducing Income Inequality. I am a product of the working middle class and had a number of jobs while I was growing up. I know both the struggle and the value of hard work first-hand and will always serve as a tireless advocate for the working and middle class. In addition, I will fight for a living wage and pay equality,…

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1 Reply · Reply by Emily VanVleck May 31, 2021
Views: 8

Kathryn Garcia (D)

Kathryn Garcia (50) – Sanitation Commissioner under Mayor d Blasio, worked at DEP Commissioner under Bloomberg. “I'm not as razzle-dazzle perhaps as some folks in the race but I actually also think that what resonates with New Yorkers right now is really about competence and is really like, ‘Tell me, like, what your vision is, but make sure that I understand that you can do the job,’” Garcia said in a February 3 appearance on the FAQ NYC podcast. “I feel like New Yorkers right now are really…

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3 Replies · Reply by Emily VanVleck Jun 10, 2021
Views: 14

Fernando Mateo (R)

Fernando Mateo (63) Key positions (1) the NYPD should hire 20,000 more officers; (2) landlords should have the same rights as tenants, vows to protect them; (3) cut red tape and overregulation of small businesses. He has launched a series of roundtables to attract small businesses back to the City. Passionate about being a business owner, Stella started San Mateo Construction in 1993 with her husband Fernando Mateo. In 1999, Stella became Fernando’s right hand supporter when he founded the New…

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2 Replies · Reply by Emily VanVleck Jun 10, 2021
Views: 11

Ray McGuire (D)

Ray McGuire (63) – former vice chairman at Citigroup, a businessman who knows the City’s economy. Excerpted from Link (Bloomberg Opinion) Ray McGuire: If I think about the biggest challenge that we have — and education is right at the core of this — I think about a draft that I wrote before I went on this path, that identified the impact of systemic inequities in education, in health care, in the economy, in the criminal-justice system. We have to begin to address that. And the way we’re going…

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1 Reply · Reply by Emily VanVleck Jun 10, 2021
Views: 11

Dianne Morales (D)

Dianne Morales (52) - former Non-profit Executive, who supports de-funding the police and a guaranteed minimum income, On Ms. Morales platform, read about her Gender and Sexual Equity Commitments, including:  Working closely with the NYC Small Business Administration, develop grants for small businesses run by women of color and the LGBTQ+/TGNCNB community; Invest in our nonprofit and community based organization ecosystem, which consists primarily of women of color and are trusted,…

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2 Replies · Reply by Emily VanVleck Jun 10, 2021
Views: 15

Paperboy Prince (D)

Paperboy Prince (28) – Non-binary Brooklyn Rapper and former congressional candidate. Fix the City and Policies The pandemic has turned the Big Apple upside down, but we want to reset the RIGHT WAY. Paperboy will take back the subway, clean up our streets, and transform our local democracy into an engine for empowerment, inclusion, and prosperity We are reaching out to all candidate for their platforms on Business and Professional Women, and are posting the response(s) we receive.

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1 Reply · Reply by Emily VanVleck May 5, 2021
Views: 17

If you would like to co-sponsor the week of action and be recognized on the "A Mayor for NYC Women" toolkit, please fill out this google form. As a co-sponsor you will receive a morning email each day with the social media toolkit and key messages for the day. We ask that all co-sponsors use the hashtag #Mayor4NYCWomen and post on social media with your answers to the questions we asked the candidates

It is not just the Mayor - all offices in NYC are up for grab!  Inform yourselves here:

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  • the Public Advocate is the person who becomes Mayor if the Mayor leaves office for any reason prior to the end of his/her term. There are also very powerful responsibilities tied to this position.

    The Comptroller is the other citywide office on the ballot. A very important position due to the pension monies investments and the financial health of the city.

    Finally, the remaining positions are are "location situation" as opposed to citywide positions.
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