Aaron Foldenauer (D)

Aaron Foldenauer – a lawyer, passionate about providing legal services to the underserved and building a more sustainable city.

Within Mr. Foldenauer's issues page, we found:

Reducing Income Inequality. I am a product of the working middle class and had a number of jobs while I was growing up. I know both the struggle and the value of hard work first-hand and will always serve as a tireless advocate for the working and middle class. In addition, I will fight for a living wage and pay equality, to ensure that there is equal pay for equal work.

We are reaching out to Mr. Foldenauer for his position on Business and Professional Women, and will post the response(s) we receive.

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  • From Foldenauer’s website:

    Aaron has been a champion for minority and female lawyers attempting to succeed as attorneys. For years, he served on the Diversity Committee of a large law firm, advocating for equal opportunities for minorities and women in the legal profession. In addition, Aaron has lectured at several law schools about legal strategy and how to succeed as a lawyer. He also served a three-year term on the New York City Bar Association’s Litigation Committee, which sponsors educational programs for practicing attorneys and evaluates proposed changes to court rules. As an attorney, Aaron has routinely stood up against wrongful conduct, including by representing a number of women and minorities who were victims of employment discrimination.

    Apart from this Foldenauer makes no mention of business and professional women. His plan to support small businesses does not mention MBWE’s specifically.
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