salary range bill (1)

Tell Gov. Hochul to sign the Salary Range Bill!

The NYS Salary Range bill is on the governor's desk and a veto or pocket veto is a real possibility!
Governor Hochul needs to hear from New York and national leaders and advocates that this bill is important for our state and for the national pay equity movement.
What can you do...
In under a minute? Send an email!
In a few minutes? Call Governor Hochul!
1. Dial (518) 474-8390
2. Press 3. Then press 1 to leave a message or press 2 to speak to a person (anticipate a wait).
3. Identify yourself: Your Name and your organization
Main Message:
-Governor Hochul, please sign the NYS Salary Transparency bill A.10477/S.9427A into law!
Additional messages: You may want to add:
- You have been an advocate of pay equity. The information provided by salary ranges is essential to ending wage discrimination and advancing gender equality.
- All NYS workers need this information and this NYS bill lines up with the NYC law.
- In addition to being good for NY workers and employers, this law will have national impact. Your actions will be felt in other states working for equal pay.
Want more info?
Here's a letter to Hochul for background.
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