Francesca Burack posted a status
Aug 3, 2021
I ignite women to build their confidence, embrace their power and take fearless action with heart and conviction. I am a communication and business strategy expert.

Black Women's Equal Pay Day August 3, 2021. Black women worked 19 months to earn the same salary their white non-Hispanic male counterparts earned in 2020 (12 months). Intolerable, unjust, we must do better!

Join NFBPWC-NYC and help pass the Salary Wage Transparency Bill that will help eliminate the gender wage gap. We worked to pass the Ban the Salary History Question Act, which improved employment practices, as well as other laws to improve working women's lives in NYC.

Click on the Conversation with Attorney Linda Coberly (to the right) on August 18 to learn how you can help pass the ERA to protect women in our country, including you.

Looking forward to meeting you at one of our events.

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