Djenabou Bah posted a status
Jul 29, 2021
My name is Djenabou Bah and I am from Conakry, Guinea in west Africa. I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in international studies with a concentration in development and a minor in community change studies. I have chosen this major because I have always been interested in working with international organizations, especially nonprofits and NGOs, that tackle social issues such as poverty, access to quality education, unemployment, and women’s rights. I want to learn about how these organizations attain their goals, as my objective is to set up an NGO that will tackle these same issues within my country. That is why when I learned about the New York City chapter of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Club, I knew I had to join. I realized that it was a perfect program for me as I will have the opportunity to learn more about the work of NGOs, which I have always wanted.

I am currently the grant development and management intern at the NFBPWC–NYC. I have been tasked with identifying suitable grant opportunities for the club and those to engage in for advocacy, assisting with relevant topic research, and coordinating and following up with grant partners and participants. I also generate and analyze reports to create general presentations of information. I am more than happy with this internship as I am not only learning more about NGO work within my role, but I am also fulfilling the club’s mission to “develop the professional, business and leadership potential of women at all levels, advocate and to strive toward equal participation of women and men in power and decision-making roles.” Most importantly, this will prepare me for a career in development and fundraising, which all nonprofits must engage in. I have only been interning with the NFBPWC–NYC for a month now, but I have learned so much about what types of grants are out there that could benefit not only businesses, professional women, and small businesses, but also the club itself, its leaders, and members in NYC/NYS. These grants come from many sources such as foundations, government, private, family offices, and other international organization grants such as the UN and the USAID. In a few weeks, I will be presenting my research findings to the board, which I am working on right now, and I cannot wait to share my findings. My next step of learning will be assisting with grant applications and grant writing which I am more than excited to start.

I am happy with my decision to take part in this internship program, as it will equip me with practical skills and knowledge that will increase my self-confidence. I now have access to a broader professional network of people who may have been in similar situations as me that can help me avoid any pitfalls and take the next step toward where I want to be. I truly believe that I will fulfill my potential in this club, and I cannot wait to explore every opportunity available.

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